Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trip to Colorado

This last weekend I went to Colorado with Jesse and his friends for the Lands End Auto Hill climb, they took their rock crawlers up and raced up a mountain. They ran a few practice runs on Saturday and the actual race was on Sunday. They raced up this mountain from the bottom to almost the very top at 40-45 mph even getting up to 70 mph at times and tried to get up as fast as possible they were judged on their time. These men made it up in 5 and 6 minutes and when we drove to the top to watch them race up we only drove 20 mph and that was scary enough! Crazy, crazy boys!

This is just the starting line.
This is just a view from the top of the mountain where we sat to watch them race up.

This is my very dirty Mylee puppy. She is so sweet.

This is a pic of some of the road they had to race, it starts at the left further than what my picture shows and goes further to the right than my picture shows then down in front of us around the corner on the side of where we stood and then behind us, up the other side and then clear up to almost the top of the mountain.

This is just another view, the white spot in the middle is the camp ground and also the starting line.

This is James racing

This is Casey and Jesse racing.

This is Brandon racing.

At the top of this picture on the mountain in the back ground is where the finish line was.

This is Jesse, he was mad, he hates to have his picture taken.

This is the second race of the day Casey and Jesse at the starting line waiting for the flags to drop so they could go.

And there they go!

And their gone!

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