Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Maddi's birthday party

For one of my step sisters birthdays, she wanted a slip and slide and to play in the water. So my step dad Evan went and found on for them and bought a home made ice cream machine and bought barbecue stuff. They played croquet and had ice cream, steaks and corn on the cob, played in the water and had lots of fun. I had to go to work but luckily I got to see some of the fun.
Jayden had no fear he ran and slid on his belly with no coaxing.



Then Shey got some shaving cream on Sid and started a fight.

At first it just involved Sidney and Shey...

Then when Maddi walked through the door Evan wrapped her in a towel and wouldn't let go while Shey got Maddi....

Shey and Maddi

Then my mom and Evan started on each other.....

Shey, Evan and my mom

This is the end result, everyone covered in shaving cream. Evan, Shey, my mom, Maddi and Jayden standing by laughing. Sid escaped some how and was out with the hose cleaning off while everyone else go creamed.

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